

stop! Stop it! STOP IT!

Stop looking.

Stop searching.

Stop trying to find it or figure it out.

Stop believing your ego and reliving your past. They are illusions.

Stop over analyzing life.

You. Yes, you!

You are it. You are right where you should be and the time is now to, Love yourself.

Love the you that you already are and what you have created yourself to be

Can you hear those words?

You are the experience. Breathe and allow these words, feelings and their meanings to

unfold within your heart.

You are powerful. You are dynamic. You are amazing. You are worthy. You are deserving.

You are important. You matter. You are brilliant. You are a creator. You are capable of receiving and giving love.

You are a phenomenal and infinite being.

The world is at your door. Open the door and take a step, then a leap, then run allowing your Spirit

to be free in the wind.

You are not alone and never will be.

It may seem hard at first but the love in you will be all the

light you need to find your way…

©2016 by Allura Eshmun


Published by Allura Eshmun

When I write there is no certain way to be...