We go through great lengths to understand our self, outside our self because deep down we are longing for within our self and are not getting enough from outside of our self. But we can only learn who we are when we are just being and creating who we want to be. We have been folding our self within our self and evolving into new lives and have moved into many vessels that can house who and what we are, helping us to do what we are wanting.
Over the years I’ve watched groups of animals. A herd of cows. A flock of birds. Group of ants. I always wondered and fascinated as to how, why and what makes them do the same thing. How and why do all the birds know to fly south in the winter? How do the ants know what job they are supposed to have? Then I thought to myself group consciousness. They know only the same and for us what we create seems different until we understand it’s the same. Animals don’t think they just do and be in the moment. They only know what they were created to do and they just do it because there is no thought involved. They don’t make it complicated like us humans. They don’t have an ego mind. As I thought about it more we are like ants. We are all the same it’s just the mind that eludes us into thinking that we are different and separate. We all want LOVE.
We even put God outside ourselves and into a box with rules. We created it to be called religion. When really there is no God. Not in the way many religions have pounded into our heads. God is not an entity that is outside of us or up in the clouds or in a statue or picture or even in a book. We are the essence of the highest among high together. All of it. EARTH. We are walking through it and experiencing it every day. Breathe. That breath we take every moment of our lives is the experience we created. It gives us life and opportunity to enjoy the beauty of the human journey. God is the consciousness that is us and connects us on this planet earth. All combined we are that Source that created what we enjoy every day. We have different jobs to do, so that we can all coexist peacefully and take care of what we created together. We are all the same and no one is better than the other but you must follow the order of selection. So with all the excess thinking we do we begin to separate ourselves from each other and against our true nature that is ONE. The more we create with LOVE in our hearts the faster things multiply in abundance, the more we understand from the experience. The more ENERGY the more things we can do.
Those of us who meditate and have learned to quiet the mind are only taping into group consciousness. Religion or spirituality which the mind or thinking created gets us back to ONE. Going to church and having something to believe in raises our VIBRATION and makes us feel good to know that we belong or are a part of something bigger than the human experience. In part we are longing for the same. That’s why so many of us follow the religious rituals and cling to the same. It’s where we are most comfortable. All we simply need to do really is clear our mind, LOVE, and be. That’s it.
The media creates visual messages so powerful that it can change how billions of people think. Feeding our subconscious while we think we are conscious of what we are experiencing. They are only taking a side door into our hearts. They understand we are ONE and feed off of that like a rabid dog in the wild eating a dead carcass after weeks without food. They know our natural state hungers for the same and they’ll keep feeding us into trance like thinking till they get bored. But it won’t last forever. Everything changes. Nothing stays the same. Even the unseen is moving around us. Everything is part of a CYCLE. Once the CYCLE completes itself we will return back to ourselves again. We are the ONE that created many through many journeys and we will slowly find our way home to ONE again.
©2015 by Allura Eshmun